The Troublesome Anime Vampire

The Attack on Fansubs



  1.  “Anime on Network TV” - ICv2

  2.  “Fansub” - ANN

  3.  Leonard, Sean. “Progress against the Law: Fan Distribution, Copyright, and the Explosive Growth of Japanese Animation.” Massachusetts Inst. of Technology, 2004, Pgs. 5, 26

  4.  “Licensed Anime” - AnimeSuki (Archive)

  5.  Adrienne Russell, Mizuko Ito, Todd Richmond, and Marc Tuters. “Culture: Media Convergence and Networked Participation.” Networked publics, MIT Press, 2008, Pgs. 60-62

  6.  “Licensed Anime” - AnimeSuki (Archive)

  7.  Satomi Saito Interview

  8.  UFO Princess - MAL

  9.  “AnimeSuki recieves cease and desist letter” - Anime Planet Forums (Archive)

  10.  “Important Announcement” - Lunar-Anime (Archive)

  11.  “PC, Pugyuru Updates” - Shining Fansubs (Archive)

  12.  “Kagari @ 2004-12-11” - Anime-Keep (Archive)

  13.  “Anime’s eager copy klatch” - LA Times

  14.  “Otakon 2008 Fansubs and Industry Panel” - ANN

  15.  “Interview With The Fansubber” - ANN
