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“Anime on Network TV” - ICv2
“Ask John: Will Fansubbing Continue?” - AnimeNation
“Fansub” - ANN
“BitTorrent and Fansubs” - ANN
Leonard, Sean. “Progress against the Law: Fan Distribution, Copyright, and the Explosive Growth of Japanese Animation.” Massachusetts Inst. of Technology, 2004, Pgs. 5, 26
“Licensed Anime” - AnimeSuki (Archive)
“Fighting the fan sub war: Conflicts between media rights holders and unauthorized creator/distributor networks” - Transformative Works and Cultures
Adrienne Russell, Mizuko Ito, Todd Richmond, and Marc Tuters. “Culture: Media Convergence and Networked Participation.” Networked publics, MIT Press, 2008, Pgs. 60-62
“Licensed Anime” - AnimeSuki (Archive)
Satomi Saito Interview
Digital Anime Distribution (Archive)
“Removal of Media Factory Inc. Works” - AnimeSuki (Archive)
UFO Princess - MAL
Rumbling Hearts - MAL
“A big blow for the fansub community” - Anime UK News Forums
FORUMS: Removal of Media Factory Inc. Works - AnimeSuki (Archive)
“Media Factory Moves to Stop Fansub Distribution” - AnimeonDVD Forums (Archive)
“Animesuki asked to stop distribution of some series” - Anime Nation Forums (Archive)
“AnimeSuki recieves cease and desist letter” - Anime Planet Forums (Archive)
“The end of Fansubbing?” - Anifanatikku
“Important Announcement” - Lunar-Anime (Archive)
“Lawfirm Threatens Wannabe, End of School Rumble Fanship?” - Wannabe Fansubs Forum (Archive)
“PC, Pugyuru Updates” - Shining Fansubs (Archive)
“Kagari @ 2004-12-11” - Anime-Keep (Archive)
Anime-Keep: Last active in 2010 (Archive)
“Anime’s eager copy klatch” - LA Times
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